Still the Chaos

“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Keeping my mind still is very difficult. It is an activity I have to practice. My mind wanders even while I read. Thoughts race through my mind with the chaos of a Midwestern tornado. And the chaos grows worse if I am wrestling with difficult circumstances.

One of the best ways for me to get still is to spend time in praise and worship. Webster defines praise as “the act of expressing approval or admiration” and worship as rendering reverent honor and homage. What an amazing activity praise and worship is. The Bible tells me God inhabits the praises of his people (Psalm 22:3). When I praise God, my focus is on him rather than on my problems or needs for the day. My emotional state improves and my hope in God —my confident expectation that he’ll do what he says he’ll do—is restored. The gloom of my problems is gone. I can be still and listen for his voice.

One of my favorite worship songs is “I Worship You, Almighty God” by Don Moen. Here are the words: “I worship you almighty God. There is none like you. I worship you O Prince of Peace; that is what I want to do. I give you praise for you are my righteousness. I worship you almighty God, there is none like you.” Here is a video link to listen to the song

Make praise and worship a regular part of your time with God. You’ll be amazed with the results.

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