By Kristi Bothur © 2012
"Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift
you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and
you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”
Luke 22:31-32
Like this childhood game of asking permission, the Scriptures make
it clear that even our archenemy Satan cannot unleash his attacks without
asking God, “May I?” The book of Job opens
with a conversation in which God
gives Satan permission to test Job’s faith in him through a number of physical
attacks. And in the New Testament, too, Jesus warns Peter that Satan had drawn
a bull’s-eye on him as well, and “demanded permission” to sift him like wheat –
with apparent success when Peter denied the Lord three times later that night.
I admit, knowing that God permits Satan to test us, possibly through
pain and suffering, gives me some mixed emotions! On the one hand, it is
somewhat comforting to know that nothing happens to me without going through
the loving and sovereign hands of my heavenly Father, which must mean he
has a plan to use it for good. On the other hand, when I am hurting from those
tests, I hurt even more deeply to know my Father could stop my suffering with
one word – but doesn’t. That is when I want to shake a fist at heaven, and
scream, “To what end is this? What purpose?”
Jesus’ words to Peter in this passage, though, give me a clue.
First, Jesus’ warning to Peter about being “sifted” – a word picture of the
process to separate the good wheat kernels from the useless chaff, with the
goal of having a product that can be used to nourish others. While I doubt that
Satan wants to find any good in us, preferring us to be nothing but
chaff in God’s eyes, it is clear that God uses the process of testing to do
that very thing, and to help us see what in us is good and what is useless.
Second, Jesus’ prayer – that Peter’s faith would not fail. Ah, but
Peter denied Jesus three times. Perhaps Jesus’ prayer was not answered? Or was
it? I’m sure Peter did feel like a colossal failure when he heard that cock
crow. But he wasn’t – because his story wasn’t over yet. In the same breath that Jesus warned Peter
that he would fall, he also spoke of the time when he would turn back. Jesus
knew that falling doesn’t have to be the same as failing.
Third, Jesus’ command to Peter, that having been sifted and having
turned back, he must strengthen his brothers. His testing would be for a
purpose, that after going through the process, he would emerge stronger in his
faith and able to strengthen others as well.
Many of you know by now that I went through a season of illness
and loss several years ago, including the loss of a baby girl in my second
trimester of pregnancy. During that time, I went through an intense period of
questioning everything I had thought I believed about God’s power, his wisdom, his
plan, and his love. I quickly saw which of my beliefs where genuine and which
were more on the level of platitudes that I had spoken easily and without much
thought in a time of ease and blessing. This was a scary time for me, because I
felt like I was losing my foundation of who I was – but like Peter, I was down
but not out. Gradually, as the sifting continued and the chaff was blown away,
I discovered the roots of my faith, and found I was stronger for having been
tested. And now, having walked my path of suffering and sifting, I have both
the ability and privilege of helping others who are walking a similar road.
I wonder sometimes – couldn’t God have strengthened me without the
suffering? But if the Son of God, “learned obedience from the things which he
suffered” (see Hebrews 5:8), who am I to think I am exempt from the same
process? And haven’t I experienced the unique comfort and help that comes from
a fellow traveler on the road of suffering rather than the words of someone who
has never experienced that particular battle?
If you are going through a season of illness or suffering right
now, wondering how and why a loving God has allowed this in your life, consider
Jesus’ words to one of his closest friends, and let them speak to you as well:
“I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you
have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”
Father, this season of trial is not just difficult physically, but
it is also hard spiritually. My faith is being tested as never before. Help me
not to fail this test in the end. Please use this time to separate the wheat
and chaff in my life and use me to strengthen others on a
similar road. Amen.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kristi Bothur is a pastor's wife, teacher, and
mother of five - two on earth and three in heaven. She has a heart for other
women who have experienced the loss of children during pregnancy or in early
infancy, and she has a passion for sharing the truth of God's word in a way
that makes sense in everyday life. She and her husband are the founders of
"Naomi's Circle", a ministry for parents of babies in heaven ( You are welcome to contact her at Kristi lives
in Columbia, South Carolina, with her husband and daughter.
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