You Make God Smile

“The LORD will work out his plans for my life” (Psalm 138:8a, NLT). You can be assured God didn’t create you and then walk away never to be involved in your life again. Would you do such a thing to your own child? Of course not. In his book The Purpose-Driven Life, Rick Warren states God “chose to create you for his own enjoyment. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose, and his delight.” Part of his plan for your life is simply to enjoy you as his child. “The LORD delights in his people” (Psalm 149:4, NLT).

I treasure each of my children because they are first and foremost my children. I won’t love them more because they become successful doctors or executives. I won’t love them less if they committed a crime and went to prison. I don’t have to perform to earn God’s love. He loves me because I am his child. Performance-oriented person that I am, this truth liberated me. I bring delight to God by just being me. And so do you.

Debra L. Butterfield © 2010


  1. "I bring delight to God by just being me." I've been searching for those words most of my life, for I'm often faulted for not attending a church, but membership in a church is just not me.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    Attending church is about meeting with other Christians to encourage one another and grow spiritually. God certainly doesn't love you any less because you don't attend.
